What historical disaster is Millie's family dealing with? (The Dust Bowl)
Who is Millie’s best friend? (Betty Adams)
What is Betty’s age? (13 years old. Betty is 1 year older than Millie, who is 12.)
What historical period is the book set in? (The Great Depression)
Where does Millie's family live at the beginning of the story? (On the family farm in Oklahoma)
What color is the dirt if the storm comes from Kansas? (Brown)
What color is the dirt if the storm comes from Colorado or New Mexico? (Gray)
What do Millie and her family struggle with besides the dust? (Running out of food and money)
What is the “black blizzard”? (A severe dust storm)
What crop did Millie’s father plant in 1935? (Potatoes)
Which date did the worst dust storm occur? (Sunday, April 14, 1935)
What is Millie’s mother’s name? (Mary Horn)
In which year do Millie and her family migrate to California? (1935)
How many days did Millie and her parents drive from Oklahoma to California? (8 days, Wednesday, April 17 - Wednesday, April 24)
What are the people migrating from the Dust Bowl called? (Okies)
Who was the U.S. president during the onset of the Depression? (President Herbert Hoover)
What is the meaning of “Hooverville”? (Shantytowns built by homeless people during the Great Depression, named after President Hoover, whom many blamed for the economic crisis.)
Why do city people not welcome the people from the Dust Bowl? (They think the Okies are dirty, diseased, and will steal their jobs.)
Why do people choose to move to California? (They were told there were jobs available, with promises like, “Work in California! Good wages! Come at once!”)
What is the full name of the store where Millie and her parents go for groceries? (Owens’ General Goods Store)
How much do Betty and her father get paid after working for 12 hours? ($1.25)
What is Millie’s home in Shantytown made out of? (Discarded sheet metal for the walls and roof)
What food can the family buy after working for the farmer by picking cotton? (Bread, potatoes, and turnips)
Why can’t Millie sleep at night after Ralph’s house burns down? (She worries about another fire and fears they might be trapped in their situation forever.)
What does Millie do that helps her father start focusing on the future? (Millie helps Betty from being bullied.)
What lesson has Millie’s father learned? (That all migrants are struggling together, and they are stronger as a group. They can no longer stand by and let others be mistreated.)
What is the “Soil Conservation Service”? (A government initiative that helps with soil conservation, including planting trees, to reclaim the soil and allow farming to continue on the Plains.)
Who lives in the same house at the end of the story? (The Horns, the Adams, and Mr Ralph.)
In which book does the character's father often say, "Till the soil, and the rain will come"? (Page 9)
In which book is the main character's father named John Horn? (Page 16)
In which book all the grades are taught in the same room because people are moving away? (Page 20)
In which book does the main character’s best friend share a handful of caramel cubes? (Page 22)
In which book do farmers struggle to sell their crops, people lose their homes, and there are unpaid bills at the store? (Page 24)