• In which book does a boy late for his Saturday game because his alarm clock failed to wake him up for his 8 o’clock game?

  • In what book does a boy move to Crestmont after his parents get divorced?

  • In what book is Bryce McCormack a Yellow Jacket?

  • In what book are there yellow jackets, blue hornets and red scorpions?

  • In what book does Jordan Woo have a negative attitude?

  • In what book does Conroy’s Luncheonette have the best ice-cream sodas in the whole county?

  • In what book does Renny learn about Kasparov, chess champion of the world?

  • In what book does Coach Harrelson scout for the junior varsity team?

  • In what book does a boy pass a perfect thread-the-needle to his open left-winger?

  • In what book does a father cancel his plans to join his son on a trail cleanup project?

  • In which book the boys head down the trail marked “Swamp View”?

  • In what book does a boy explain how he does his flying spin move?

  • In which book do characters think that the Orange Crush play dirty?

  • In what book does Turk threaten a much smaller boy?

  • In what book does the referee miss a foul because he’s following the ball?

  • In what book does a friend advise a character to be a little more aggressive or the other team might try to intimidate him?

  • In what book does Mr. Harding’s business trip to New York cause him to miss his son’s championship game?

  • In which book does Jordan have huge mood swings?

  • In what book does a boy’s father live In Oakmont which was three hours away?

  • In which book does a character break his ankle?

  • And what book does a reporter ask for a photograph of number 10 for the Crestmont Herald?