• In which book is there a border collie?

  • In what book did they eat goat’s meat?

  • In what book did a dog do flips?

  • In what book was there a character called Raggedy Annie?

  • In which book does a gray guy check hands for grime and dirt?

  • In which book did the main character learn to read by sticking a nose into White Fang?

  • In which book does a character die in a goat cart?

  • In which book does a character have a dismal "hiding place" with broken bottles and a bicycle wheel threaded with cobwebs?

  • In which book is The Good Shepherd Home for Boys described as a pound for kids?

  • In which book did a character say he'd had bigger dreams than a mule.

  • In which book did a rope tied around a character's neck prevent him from catching a train to California?

  • In which book did a character sell "Words of Wisdom" cards?

  • In which book did an animal trainer smell worse than elephant dung?

  • In which book did an orphaned boy speak to an animal "man to man?"

  • In which book did a dog play dead so that a thief could pick pockets?