• In which book is religion an issue?

  • In what book was a handkerchief really important?

  • In what book did someone milk a cow?

  • In what book did the King ride a horse?

  • In what book was Little Red Riding Hood discussed?

  • What does Ellen's father want her to be when she grows up? (A teacher)

  • What is in the blue trunk? (Lise’s wedding dress)

  • What does Annemarie think caused Lise's death? (That Lise got hit by a car)

  • What causes the Rosens to change their plans to celebrate the Jewish New Year? (At the synagogue in the morning, the rabbi tells his congregation that the Nazis took the list of Jews and plans on arresting them that night.)

  • What did Annemarie discover when she went to Mrs. Hirsch's button shop? (The shop was closed. A German sign and a new padlock were on the door.)

  • Based on what you have learned about the Holocaust, what do you think might have happened to the Hirsch family? (The Hirsch family may have been "relocated" by the Nazis.)

  • What news does Peter share about the Nazis plans? (The German have issued orders to close shops ran by Jewish people.)

  • Kirsti was told there was a fireworks display for her birthday, but what was really happening? (The Danes blew up their own naval fleet as the Germans approached to take it over.)

  • According to Annemarie, who is the bodyguard of the Jews? (All of Denmark)

  • What do Peter and the Johansens do to keep the Rosen family from being arrested? (Ellen poses as Lise Johansen and Peter takes Mr. and Mrs. Rosen to a safe place.)

  • Why is Annemarie scared when Peter visits them late at night? (He is breaking curfew.)

  • How did Mr. Johansen convince the Nazis that Ellen was his daughter? (Mr. Johansen showed the Nazis baby pictures of the 3 girls from the family photo album.)

  • What does Annemarie's mother do when there was pounding on the door? (She lit a candle and then switched on the lamp.)