• In what book do they talk about poetry a lot?

  • In what book do they mention a red wheelbarrow along with white chickens?

  • In what book is a speedy, blue car compared to a comet in the sky?

  • In what book does the main character want his work to be anonymous?

  • In which book does Mr. Meyers visit a school?

  • Which book takes place in room 105?

  • In which book is there a teacher named Mrs. Stretchberry?

  • In which book is there a tiger burning bright?

  • Which book describes a red brick building that houses animals?

  • In which book Is a yellow dog adopted?

  • In which book does a boy live in a White House with a red door?

  • In which book does a boy take a book home without asking and get a spot on it?

  • In which book does a dog give a hug to thank a boy for choosing him?

  • In which book does a boy wonder if a man is too busy to respond to his letter?

  • In which book is spell check referred to as a little helper brain?

  • In which book does a dog get hurt chasing a ball?

  • In which book does a boy worry his poem is too sad?

  • In which book does a teacher make brownies?

  • In which book is a bulletin board blooming with poems?