• In what book does someone feel like an embarrassed poodle with a bright red face?

  • In what book is someone a special computer helper?

  • In what book do they wear giant shirts?

  • In what book do they play dodgeball?

  • Is Mrs Snavin a teacher

  • In which book does the school get new computers?

  • In which book is a teacher confused about a math program on a computer?

  • In which book is Mrs. Reed the librarian?

  • In which book is Miss Cott the art teacher?

  • In which book is Ben Grumson the meanest kid at school?

  • In which book does Mr. Collins teach gym?

  • In which book does a gym teacher call kids troops?

  • In which book does a teacher use the word sweet a lot?

  • In which book does glen purdy turn into a beast?

  • In which book does a boy play Rock Paper Scissors with a friend?

  • In which book is Mrs. Karp the principal?

  • In which book does the principal make a boy wear an orange patrol belt?

  • In which book does a boy get an idea to be bad from spilling milk?

  • In which book does a boy pretend to read comic book and ignore his teacher?

  • In which book does a boy rip his painting?

  • In which book is a boy called brave because he destroyed his art work?

  • In which book does a boy play a prince on a stage?

  • In which book do kids watch a video about Lewis and Clark?

  • In which book does a principal reprimand a student in front of the whole cafeteria?

  • In which book is a boy dragged by the elbow out of the cafeteria?

  • Why did Jake get embarrassed in Mrs. Snavin's class? (She announced that he was a special computer helper)

  • Why do all the teachers that praise Jake make sure the other students can hear them? (They want him to be an example of good behavior)

  • What caused Willie to avoid sitting with Jake at lunch? (He was embarrassed of Jake's orange belt)

  • Why does Jake decide to start being bad at school? (So the teachers won't treat him differently)

  • What is the first bad thing that Jake did? (He tripped a third grader)