• In which book does the main character immigrate to California, US from China in the early 1990s?

  • In which book does a character's mother tell her to take a "picture in her mind," to remember important or special events?

  • In which book does the setting take place mostly at a motel named the Calivista?

  • In which book does one character tell another character, "You can't win if you don't play?"

  • In which book does the main character tell her class that she had a swimming pool to try to make them think she was rich?

  • In which book does a character enter an essay content to win an in Vermont?

  • In which book do students earn a notebook that smells like chocolate for doing a good job on their spelling?

  • In which book does a character earn a free meal to Pizza Hut?

  • In which book is jasmine tea used as a way to celebrate something?

  • In which book is a charcter wrongly fired from his job at the gas station?

  • In which book was a character an engineer before she immigrated to the United States?

  • In which book does a character play the game Monopoly with "the weeklies?"

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