• How does Cece lose her hearing? (She contracts meningitis)

  • What really hurts while Cece is in the hospital with meningitis? (Her head)

  • In El Deafo, what did Cece put on to leave the hospital and go home? (Her bathing suit)

  • How old is Cece when she loses her hearing? (Four years old)

  • What did Cece always wear when she was a young child?

  • What does Cece start wearing after she gets sick? (Hearing aids)

  • What is Cece’s so-called super power? (She can hear things with her hearing aids that the other students cannot hear)

  • Who does Mrs. Dorn (Cece’s kindergarten teacher) look like? (Snow White)

  • After Cece moves, the kids in her new neighborhood are all crazy about what? (The radio)

  • Who sits next to Cece one day in first grade and offers her Fritos? (Laura)

  • What is the name of Cece’s doll? (Miss Bunn)

  • Who is Cece’s bossy friend? (Laura, aka “Super Bossypants”)

  • In which decade does Cece's story take place? (The 1970s)

  • When Cece hears "Jerry Mop" it really is? (Cherry Pop)

  • What word does Cece confuse for shoes? (Juice)

  • Instead of "coke", what did Cece hear Emma say to her? (Goat)

  • What did Cece pray for the night before the first day of third grade? (A new friend)

  • Why did Cece like foreign movies? (They had subtitles she could read.)

  • In Superhero mode, what does Cece call Missy? (SuperMissy)

  • What makes Cece upset at the beginning of fourth grade? (People signing at her.)

  • What did Martha wish she could do like Cece to tune out her sister? (Turn off her hearing aids)

  • What is Martha's alter ego superhero? (True Friend)

  • Who does Cece have a crush on? (Mike Miller)

  • Why is everything fuzzy for Cece when taking the vocabulary test? (She needs glasses)

  • What did Mrs Sinkleman think Cece was doing when she asked Ginny for help when she couldn't see the board? (She thinks CeCe is cheating.)

  • After getting glasses, Cece gets perfect grades except in which subject? (Physical Education)

  • Who breaks Cece's Phonic Ear microphone? (Mr. Potts, PE teacher)

  • How long is Cece without her phonic Ear/ broken microphone in 5th grade? (Four weeks)

  • What did Cece and Mike wear as bookends? (Matching pajamas)

  • How far from home does Mike go to test the range of Cece's phonic ear? (Downtown)