Final Battle


In the event of a tie breaker round, questions will be asked in the format of "Who is the AUTHOR of the book in which..." Please have your teams be prepared to answer tie breaker questions with the author of the book. Teams will have a list of authors to choose from at their table to answer the questions. A tie breaker round is single elimination format. Teams with an incorrect answer are immediately eliminated from the round. 


Each team brings a team poster to the Final Battle for their table on the stage. The poster should be a standard poster board size that we can tape to the front of the table on stage. The color should be mostly your team color, and the poster should highlight the team name and team members' names!  



Consider having students wear shirts of your team's color or a costume, hat, etc. to go along with your team's name. Please do not use pretend weapons or masks as part of the costume (same rules that apply for Halloween costumes at school). Send a message out to your team to see if one of the other parents wants to help with this. It's a fun way for other parents to get involved!   



Talk with your team about Battle strategy including identifying who will be in charge of selecting the answer and whether this will change with each round, question, etc. 

Consider going through practice questions with your team or holding a mock battle with another team from your grade. Mock battles are a fun way to practice battling against friends and it also makes the Final Battle less intimidating. 


For a practice battle:

  • Each Team Leader prints a copy of the title pages for their team to use to display their answers. 

  • Each team sits together to discuss the questions. At the Final Battle, the teams will be sitting at tables together on stage.

  • Team Leaders take turns asking practice questions. When asking questions, consider changing the question format to be "In which book.. " for the TITLE as the questions are asked in the Final Battle.

  • Teams have 30 seconds to discuss their final answer.   

  • Team members raise their hands as soon as the team has agreed on an answer. 

  • When all teams have their hands up or after 30 seconds, the team will be called on to give their final answer. 

  • One team member holds up a the title page. Points can be given for each correct answer if keeping score. 

Please remind your teams to submit the Alden School dismissal form online.



The Final Battle will last approximately 30-45 minutes. Questions will follow the “In what book….” format. If a tie breaker round is necessary, questions will follow the "Who is the author of the book in which...." format. Scorekeepers will track scores. 


Teams will be supplied with pages of the book titles. Teams will discuss their answer, select the page  with the correct answer and raise their hands to answer within 30 seconds. 


Typical Schedule for the Final Battle


1:30: Team Leaders and volunteers arrive at the school on the day of the Final Battle. 

2:00: Students are dismissed to the Alden Cafeteria and check in with their team leaders.

2:05: Students are escorted to the PAC. Teams are announced and walk to the stage with their leader. 

2:10: Introduction and Instructions

2:20: Final Battle Rounds 

2:50: Group picture and winner announcement

3:00: Team Leaders dismiss their teams to families, after school programs, etc. Please stay with your team until all students have been picked up or reached their after school program. 



*This schedules are tentative and a general estimate.